Daily Devotions

Archive for January, 2015

A Process Completed

mail slots


Declaration 4.—I SAW AN OLD-TIMEY POSTMASTER putting mail in slots.

The slots represented people and the matters concerning them.  The delivering of the mail was a completing of, was an end of, the process of those troubled people and troubling matters — like the mail being put up, finally delivered—process completed.

Ps.138:7 “Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch forth Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me.”   8 “The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, endure forever–forsake not the works of Your own hands.”

“perfect”: complete; bring to an end

In our lives, God is bringing to an end things that have lingered on from years past.

You may read the 2015 Declarations in their entirety at:

Paid Another Debt



In 2015 I am praying to see a
lot of posts that start with: 

“Hey, you guys, we just paid
off another debt!!!

Marty & Kathy Gabler invite you to read their
articles in the latest issue of SEEC Magazine. 

Volume 18 Issue 6

CLICK HERE to read SEEC Magazine

The Account Is Closed

account bookDeclaration 3.—THE ACCOUNT IS CLOSED 

Our God is declaring that the account is closed where the enemy has been depositing fodder to shoot at you and depositing currency to spend against you.  

(fodder:  criticisms, faults, failures, accusations, short-comings).

Rom.4:25 “Who was betrayed and put to death because of our misdeeds and was raised to secure our justification (our acquittal), [making our account balance and absolving us from all guilt before God].” (Amp)

You may read the 2015 Declarations in their entirety at:

The Coming Year And Expectancy

holding hands highAs the people of God assemble today may they join hands and hearts and look toward the coming year with expectancy for the purposes of the Lord in each other and the victorious intervention of the Lord in their behalf.

“Paul, Silvanus (Silas), and Timothy, to the assembly (church) of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah): Grace (spiritual blessing and divine favor) to you and [heart] peace.” (1Thess.1:1, Amp)

You may read the 2015 Declarations in their entirety at:

Dream Come True

jump up



In 2015 I am praying to see a lot
of posts that start with: 

“Hey, you guys, another dream
just came true!!!





SEEC Ministries Annual Conference
March 4-6, 2015
Click Here For More Info:  

Taking The First Step


Father’s strength and wisdom are available for defeated people to take the first step after not moving against things that have defeated them in the last year.

first stepThe time of not doing something about defeating factors is over.

Taking the first step toward resolve of relationship problems with family.

Taking the first step out of a habit, victimization, porno, poverty, abuse.

The first step will be admitting there is a problem and wanting the answer, even if it means we have to put forth some effort and make some changes.

The first step will be to not wait for others and not wait for those circumstances to change, but begin the change in us.

First Step Plan:

1.) Admit there is a problem  2.) Identify that problem 3.) Begin taking steps to change while looking to the Word of God and Spirit of God for strength.

Ps.37:23 “The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step].” (Amp)
You may read the 2015 Declarations in their entirety at:

God Is Digging Deeper


God is digging deeper into our lives to get more out of the way this year.  

Digging deeper into layers to get out those things which are unnecessary. 

dig shovelSo we can get more done, so that we may function to a greater degree in the coming year.

So that where we haven’t accomplished anything we will be able to accomplish something.

So that where we have accomplished something, we will be able to accomplish more.

Scraping more layers off so we can be in the Kingdom what we are supposed to be so that we may have the effect we are supposed to have.

Heb.12:1 “Therefore then, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who have borne testimony to the Truth], let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us, (Amp)

As you are able to agree with and own these declarations you will be built up in your most holy faith (Jude 1:20) and you will have a tool to war with that can defeat the enemy at several points in the coming year.

Each year I pray and ask the Lord for declarations to make  (1)  over people within my sphere of influence, for  (2)  those with whom I have some degree of influence and for  (3)  those who desire to claim them and come into agreement with them in prayer. I am making these declarations to those with whom I have a degree of influence (Paul said, “I stay in my metron (Gk.)”—2Cor.10:13-15).  

These declarations are for prayer points (points that we pray over regularly) and points of agreement (points that we put agreement to in the atmosphere—agreeing with the purposes of God and with one another).  If you desire to be a recipient of and a participant in these declarations, you must  (1)  agree and you must  (2)  pray them through and you must  (3) declare them (cf.Paul in Acts 27).  These will come by prayer (and perhaps fasting) and applying ourselves.

Each year individuals, churches and prayer groups join us in prayer and agreement throughout the year over the declarations believing God for HIs (1)  redemptive intervention in our lives,  (2)  our churches and in  (3)  our nation and for  (4)  enablement for our Lord’s Kingdom purposes.  Each year individuals contact us to tell us about the declarations coming to pass in their lives after they have claimed them and prayed them through the year.

You may read the 2015 Declarations in their entirety at:


New Year Look Different



May the coming year look totally different as we look
back on it than any year prior has looked. May we say
that it had the look of answers, resolve and fulfillment. 

 “From now on I’m the one who answers and satisfies him.
I am like a luxuriant fruit tree.  Everything you need is to be
found in me.” (Hos.14:8b, Msg)

You may read the 2015 Declarations in their entirety at: