Daily Devotions

Call and I Will Answer

The army sergeant was summoned to the office in response to an irate mother. With raised voice, she proceeded to inform the sergeant that his treatment of her son would no longer be tolerated. Objections would be made to the highest office if necessary. The son had gotten to a payphone and, in tear-filled voice, told his mother how rough his life was and how he was ready to come home. It seemed that the focus of her son’s misery was on the sergeant because he was continually shouting out orders and dealing out punishment when they were not carried out per every detail of his instructions. However, when each complaint was responded to, it became apparent that the young man was choosing if and when to respond to orders based upon his opinion of the value of the order. What the boy and his mother did not understand was that the sergeant had good reason to give the orders he issued and was preparing the young man for circumstances he had never dealt with and the sergeant had the expertise to get him through. The sergeant asked the mother, “Which do you prefer, that I bring him back home from war alive or in a body bag?” Commands insure longevity.


In a voice of command, the Lord God spoke to Jeremiah and required that he “call unto” Him. Calling unto God has a purpose. It was not a religious exercise that God wanted to observe Jeremiah busy with.  God said, “Call unto me AND…. I will answer.” It would be in agreement with what God fully intended to do in the earth. God must agree with Himself and with His Word, His will, His plan. God is not without purpose, not without a plan; but there are times when God has been without someone to stand in the gap calling upon Him to move power and authority from heaven into the earth. Eze 22:30  “I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one. Ezekiel does not say that a large company is required but, in v.30, ONE will do. Luk 18:1  ALSO [Jesus] told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not to turn coward (faint, lose heart, and give up). (Amp)  1Ti 2:8  I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting. Calling unto God in alignment with His plan and purpose brings restoration. (See Jer.33:6-14)

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